Understanding and Implementing Levenshtein Distance in BigQuery

Introduction to Levenshtein Distance

Levenshtein Distance, named after Russian scientist Vladimir Levenshtein, is a string metric used to measure the difference between two sequences. It calculates the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) required to transform one string into another. This metric has become an essential tool in various data analysis and data quality initiatives, particularly when working with large datasets in data warehouses like BigQuery.

In BigQuery, Levenshtein Distance is implemented through the EDIT_DISTANCE function, which provides an efficient way to compute this metric within SQL queries. Understanding and utilizing this function can significantly enhance data cleaning, matching, and analysis tasks in BigQuery.

The EDIT_DISTANCE Function in BigQuery

BigQuery's EDIT_DISTANCE function is a built-in method for calculating Levenshtein Distance. Here's the function signature:

EDIT_DISTANCE(value1, value2, [max_distance => max_distance_value])


  • value1: The first STRING or BYTES value to compare.
  • value2: The second STRING or BYTES value to compare.
  • max_distance: An optional named argument that takes a non-negative INT64 value. It represents the maximum distance to compute between the two values. If this distance is exceeded, the function returns this value. The default is the maximum size of value1 and value2.

The function returns an INT64 value representing the Levenshtein Distance between the input strings.

Example Usage

Let's look at a simple example to understand how EDIT_DISTANCE works in practice:

SELECT EDIT_DISTANCE('kitten', 'sitting') AS distance;

This query returns a distance of 3, which represents the minimum number of edits required to transform 'kitten' into 'sitting':

  1. Substitute 'k' with 's'
  2. Substitute 'e' with 'i'
  3. Insert 'g' at the end

Practical Applications in Data Analysis

The EDIT_DISTANCE function in BigQuery has numerous practical applications in data analysis and data quality initiatives. Let's explore some of these use cases with detailed examples.

1. Fuzzy String Matching

Fuzzy string matching is crucial when dealing with messy or inconsistent data, such as misspelled names or addresses. Here's an example of how to use EDIT_DISTANCE for fuzzy matching in BigQuery:

WITH company_names AS (
  SELECT 'Google' AS name
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Alphabet Inc.'
  UNION ALL SELECT 'Alpabet Inc'
SELECT a.name AS name1,
       b.name AS name2,
       EDIT_DISTANCE(a.name, b.name) AS distance
FROM company_names a
CROSS JOIN company_names b
WHERE a.name < b.name  -- Avoid self-comparisons and duplicates
  AND EDIT_DISTANCE(a.name, b.name) <= 3
ORDER BY distance;

This query compares all pairs of company names and returns those with an edit distance of 3 or less, helping identify potential matches or misspellings.

2. Data Deduplication

EDIT_DISTANCE can be used to identify and merge duplicate or near-duplicate records. Here's an example:

WITH customer_data AS (
  SELECT 1 AS id, 'John Smith' AS name, 'New York' AS city
  UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'John Smth', 'New York'
  UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'Jane Doe', 'Los Angeles'
  UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'Jane Do', 'Los Angles'
SELECT a.id AS id1,
       b.id AS id2,
       a.name AS name1,
       b.name AS name2,
       a.city AS city1,
       b.city AS city2,
       EDIT_DISTANCE(a.name, b.name) + EDIT_DISTANCE(a.city, b.city) AS total_distance
FROM customer_data a
JOIN customer_data b ON a.id < b.id
WHERE EDIT_DISTANCE(a.name, b.name) + EDIT_DISTANCE(a.city, b.city) <= 3
ORDER BY total_distance;

This query identifies potential duplicate customer records by comparing both names and cities, allowing for a small number of differences to account for typos or minor variations.

3. Spell Checking and Correction

EDIT_DISTANCE can be used to implement a basic spell-checker by finding the closest match to a potentially misspelled word. Here's an example:

WITH dictionary AS (
  SELECT 'apple' AS word
misspelled_words AS (
  SELECT 'appel' AS word
SELECT m.word AS misspelled,
       d.word AS suggestion,
       EDIT_DISTANCE(m.word, d.word) AS distance
FROM misspelled_words m
CROSS JOIN dictionary d
WHERE EDIT_DISTANCE(m.word, d.word) <= 2
ORDER BY m.word, distance
LIMIT 1 BY m.word;

This query finds the closest match in a dictionary for each misspelled word, suggesting corrections for common typos.

Optimizing Performance and Accuracy

While EDIT_DISTANCE is a powerful function, it's important to consider performance implications when working with large datasets. Here are some optimization techniques:

  1. Use the max_distance parameter: By setting a maximum distance, you can limit the computational complexity for strings that are very different.
SELECT EDIT_DISTANCE('long_string1', 'long_string2', max_distance => 5) AS distance;
  1. Pre-filtering: When comparing large sets of strings, use other techniques to pre-filter the data before applying EDIT_DISTANCE. For example, you might first compare string lengths or use faster approximation techniques.

  2. Indexing: If you're repeatedly comparing against a fixed set of strings, consider creating an index or preprocessing the data to speed up comparisons.

With the EDIT_DISTANCE function in BigQuery, you can significantly improve data quality, perform efficient fuzzy matching, and implement various text analysis tasks at scale.